Vijayanjali Acupressure Center is a semi-charitable, accredited acupressure treatment center in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It is affiliated to the Acupressure Shodh, Prashikshan Evam Upchar Sansthan, Allahabad (ASPEUS).
Safe Acupressure Treatment with 100% Guarantee (subject to accurate and timely diagnosis)
Mrs. Anjuli and her team of acupressure therapists use their combined knowledge and experience of various acupressure principles such as Sujok Therapy, Ayurvedic Acupressure Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapy, Electro Acupuncture by Dr. Voll (EAV), and Yogic Acupressure to treat physical and metaphysical diseases. The mediums of treatment are magnet, color, seed and pressure therapy.
Magnet Therapy
Unblock the energy flow in your body with magnetic waves. Causative points of the disease are identified on the hands and feet. Energy on these acupressure points is increased or decreased with therapeutic magnets of various kinds.
Color Therapy
Different colors representing heat, warmth, humidity, dryness, wind and coldness are applied on acupressure points on hands and feet. Balance of your body’s energy is regained by leveraging the spectrum of light.
Seed Therapy
Pressure is applied on different acupressure points with different shaped seeds. The inherent energy of seeds plays a role here. Seeds are regular household seeds such as methi, matar, rajma, etc.
Pressure Therapy
Our hands and feet are corresponding units mapping our complete body. Pressure on specific acupressure points on the hands and feet has corresponding effect on affected body organs. Excellent for first-aid!
Registration to Acupressure Courses in Lucknow
Correspondence Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Courses in Acupressure Therapy
available at Vijayanjali Acupressure Academy.
In affiliation with ASPEUS, Allahabad